rocksmith 2014.exe has stopped working windows 10 Faulting module name: igdumd32.dll

Hi everyone,

Bit of a different topic but I was using Rocksmith 2014 and ran into the following error:

rocksmith 2014.exe has stopped working windows 10 Faulting module name: igdumd32.dll

The fix is pretty easy, but somewhat annoying, unplug any external monitors (second, third monitor).

Error Adding Card – Assembly Payments

Hi everyone,

Just working with Assembly Payments and ran into the following error while following their documentation on Capturing a Credit Card:

errors”:{“card_account”:[“Error adding card. If error persists, please contact our support team.”]

The error is pretty vague, but it does seem that the credit card info they use in the documentation has expired. I tested with another credit card and it went through:

                    promisepay.createCardAccount(token, {

                        full_name: "Bella Buyer",
                        number: "4242424242424242",
                        expiry_month: "12",
                        expiry_year: "2021",
                        cvv: "123"
                    }, success, fail)

Naming Issue
You can also hit this if you’ve only provided a first name and no last name. e.g. John instead of John Doe.

You can work around this by entering the first name twice i.e. John John. Seems a little dodgy but it is the official recommendation from Assembly payments:

Official card details
I was talking to support about another issue and they mentioned the following page:

Unilateral receiver not allowed in chained payment is restricted – Adaptive Payment DotNet SDK

Hey everyone,

Just an error I ran into today while using the Adaptive Payments SDK for C#/.NET:

Unilateral receiver not allowed in chained payment is restricted

Thankfully this one is fairly simple – one of the receivers hasn’t confirmed their account.

This type of fee payer x isn’t recognized by our system – PayPal Adaptive Payments SDK

Hey everyone,

Just another Adaptive Payments SDK error I’ve run into.

Error Id: 560027
This type of fee payer x isn’t recognized by our system

This one is fairly self explanatory, valid values are as follows:

SENDER – Sender pays all fees (for personal, implicit simple/parallel payments; do not use for chained or unilateral payments)
PRIMARYRECEIVER – Primary receiver pays all fees (chained payments only)
EACHRECEIVER – Each receiver pays their own fee (default, personal and unilateral payments)
SECONDARYONLY – Secondary receivers pay all fees (use only for chained payments with one secondary receiver)

This parameter is described in the following documentation:

Cannot parse *.config file – AdaptivePayments SDK (PayPal)

Hey everyone,

Just working on a small project that uses PayPal’s C# AdaptivePayments SDK. I hit an error while attempting to make the following payment:

var service = new AdaptivePaymentsService();
payResponse = service.Pay(payRequest);
“Cannot parse *.config file. Ensure you have configured the ‘paypal’ section correctly.”

at PayPal.Manager.ConfigManager..ctor()
at PayPal.Manager.ConfigManager.get_Instance()
at PayPal.BasePayPalService..ctor()
at PayPal.AdaptivePayments.AdaptivePaymentsService..ctor()

It turns out that you need to add the following entries to your Web.config:

To get the account information you’ll need to do the following:
– Go to
– Login to your sandbox account
– Go to the dashboard
– Select accounts (from the list of all your sandbox accounts)
– Create a new one or select an existing business account
– Click profile
– Click API Credentials

Note that the steps required to get this configuration seem to change all the time. Hopefully this will be enough to get you on the right track.

Windows 10 – Search Not Working

Hey everyone,

I’ve just upgraded to windows 10, however the start menu search has been randomly breaking. It just seems to load indefinitely. Thankfully there’s an easy fix:

- Start task manager (ctrl + shift + esc)
- Click more details
- Under the processes heading look for Search (green icon under background processes)
- Click on Search and hit end task

The Search process should now restart and start working. If not you can restart it manually using file > run.

Windows 10 search not working
Windows 10 search not working

Decimal Values for Bitcoin C#

Hey everyone,

Just linking to a few Stackoverflow posts that have helped me out with bitcoin precision requirements:

Precision Values

Setting up Decimal Precision in MVC4+

Request for ConfigurationPermission failed while attempting to access configuration section ‘paypal’ – PayPal & GoDaddy

Hey everyone,

I ran into the following error today while working with PayPal on a GoDaddy hosted server:

Request for ConfigurationPermission failed while attempting to access configuration section ‘paypal’. To allow all callers to access the data for this section, set section attribute ‘requirePermission’ equal ‘false’ in the configuration file where this section is declared.

To fix it, all you need to do is add the requirePermission attribute to the section declaration. Note that this is not where it says paypal but under the configsections heading.


My Selling Tools Option Missing – PayPal

Hey everyone,

For some reason the “My Selling Tools” option is now missing on my production account. Unfortunately the only way to get around this that I’ve come across is to access the required features directly. For example:

API Access:

If you’ve got any other links that might be useful please let me know and I’ll add them.

PayPal IPN Response Not Returning a pay_key Value

Hey everyone,

In order to verify that a pay response is legitimate, PayPal provides a unique token for each request. This token can then be matched against payment confirmation requests to ensure that they aren’t being spoofed. The problem I ran into was that even the legitimate IPNs I received did not contain a pay key.

It turns out that PayPal sends two different types of IPNs. The first is configured when making the API request. The second is configured in the PayPal account under “My Account > Profile > Instant PayPal Notification”.

The first type, includes the required PayKey, the second does not. Simply configure your profile details to point to another url and everything should work!

For more info, check out this stackoverflow post: