Unable to edit files uploaded to document library where url length is more than 260 characters – SharePoint

Just a quick problem I came across in SharePoint today when trying to edit a file:

Unable to edit files uploaded to document library where url length is more than 260 characters

The folder structure being used was fairly complex, unfortunately this meant that a filename only had to be a few characters long to exceed this rule. Unfortunately there does not appear to be an easy way to fix this issue other than reorganizing the folder structure.

One workaround is to simply press the “Open with Explorer” button and edit the file that way. Thankfully the url limitation does not effect files reached through this method.

Open with Explorer - SharePoint
Open with Explorer - SharePoint

This link has a bit more info for anyone who may be interested.

Error when trying to Edit a SharePoint Document – SharePoint

Ran into the following error when trying to open a word document stored on SharePoint today:

The document could not be opened for editing. A Microsoft SharePoint Foundation compatible application could not be found to edit the document.

Unfortunately this appears to be an issue with Chrome, once I switched to IE it all worked fine.