AWS Installing AWS Inspector Agent on Windows EC2 Instance

Hi everyone,

Just a quick post on installing the AWS Inspector Agent on a Windows EC2 instance.

Open PowerShell and run the following command:

(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:UsersAdministratorDesktopAWSAgentInstall.exe')

On your desktop, right click on AWSAgentInstall.exe and select run as administrator. Follow the prompts.

Go to run, and execute services.msc. You should now see the Amazon SSM Agent:

If you go to your amazon console > amazon inspector > assessment targets > Click on your relevant target > Preview Target:

Your agent status should now be healthy.

Thanks to these links for the info:

Dynamic Robots.txt with Web Api 2

Hi everyone,

For a project I’m currently working on I needed a dynamic robots.txt. Because our test environment is public facing we want to keep it from being indexed by Google etc. It took a bit of Googling to find a solution that worked, but in the end it was actually pretty simple.

Here’s the action in one of the API Controllers:

    public class UtilitiesController : CustomBaseApiController
        public HttpResponseMessage GetRobotsFile()
            var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (Helpers.IsProduction())
                // Allow bots in production
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("user-agent: *");
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("disallow: ");
                // Don't allow bots in non-production environments
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("user-agent: *");
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("disallow: *");

            resp.Content = new StringContent(stringBuilder.ToString());

            return resp;

Also need to add the following to your web.config so that the robots.txt file can processed by the routing handler. Without this IIS will attempt to serve it as a static file and will return a 404 when it’s not found:


In production you’ll end up with the following:

user-agent: *

And any other environments:

user-agent: *
disallow: *

Thanks to these answers on stackoverflow for the info: