Change Default MVC5 Password Complexity Requirements – Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character. Passwords must have at least one digit (‘0’-‘9’). Passwords must have at least one uppercase (‘A’-‘Z’)

Hey everyone,

I’ve started on a new MVC5 project and came across the following error message while trying to register a new user:

Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.
Passwords must have at least one digit (‘0’-‘9’).
Passwords must have at least one uppercase (‘A’-‘Z’)

While having a secure password is obviously important, I felt that most users would probably find these requirements a little extreme. After a bit of Googling I came across a StackOverflow post that mentioned a config class that you can use to edit these settings:

// App_Start > IdentityConfig.cs


// Configure validation logic for usernames
            manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator(manager)
                AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
                RequireUniqueEmail = true
            // Configure validation logic for passwords
            manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
                RequiredLength = 6,
                RequireNonLetterOrDigit = true,
                RequireDigit = true,
                RequireLowercase = true,
                RequireUppercase = true,


3 thoughts on “Change Default MVC5 Password Complexity Requirements – Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character. Passwords must have at least one digit (‘0’-‘9’). Passwords must have at least one uppercase (‘A’-‘Z’)”

  1. thank you ! stupid MS for using these settings as default and there’s so many places to set password restrictions, I couldn’t find it until I found your post. thanks again.


  2. Thanks for the info.
    It seems like the StringLength attribute of property Identity.Models.RegisterViewModel.Password (in ModelsAccountViewModels.cs) overlaps the RequiredLength mentioned above, enforcing a MinimumLength:
    [StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = “The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.”, MinimumLength = 6)].
    So if you want to influence the password length (i.e. decrease to 5) you might have to modify both.
    I found a Q&A on SO that connected the dots for me:


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